- Zilla (District): Sunamganj
- Distance from Sylhet: 25 miles (40km)
- Population:
- Village size: 1,318 acres (approx. 2.5 sq miles)
- Madrasah include: Syedpur Alia Madrasah
- High school include:
- Current chairman: Abul Hasan (also Syedpur-Shaharpara Union Chairman)
- Surrounding villages: Shaharpara, Patli, Gushgaon, Budoraiel
Latest news
Keep up to date with the latest news and see more beautiful photos, videos, and meet more of your villagers in the Syedpur Facebook pages 'Syedpur - amar gram amar bhalobasha', 'Syed Pur'.
Map of Syedpur
How to get to Syedpur from Sylhet
With a 'C and G' it usually takes 1 hour to reach to Syedpur and can cost between 400-600 taka.
Aerial shot of Syedpur village
Please note only few random location are shown.
Location of major landmarks
History of Syedpur
Syed Alauddin (RA) was one of the 360 disciples that came with Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) in 1303 to aid the Muslims in Sylhet. He had four sons - one of whom was Hazrat Syed Shah Shamsuddin (RA) who came to the then Krishnopur to preach the word of Allah (Subhanawattallah).
Hazrat Shah Syed Shamsuddin (RA) Dargah Masjid: .
Syedpur Aliya Madrasah: .
Nawapara Madrasah: .
Pir Mojir'er Mazar: .
Syedpur Pilot High School: .
Choudhary Bari Masjid: .
Harikhuna Primary School: .
Syedpur-Shaharpara Union Porishod: .
Syed Shah Shamsuddin Adarsho Shishu Biddaloi: .
Agunkuna Model School: .
Girls School: .
Community Clinic: .
Syedpur Community Centre: .
Radhi's Complex: .
Magura Nodi (River Magura): .
Harikhuna Boro Ghul (Open Field): .
Bon (farmland): .
Videos of Syedpur
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Famous 'Syedpuri' include:
Ali Ahmed Syed (Born ) .
Kasa Miah (c. 1920 - 2005) School teacher. Born in Harikhuna area. Married cousin Angura Begum, whose father was Yaqubullah. Four sons (Foyzurnoor, Ali Noor, Kohinoor, and Shofu) and 3 daughters (Shawla, Shopon, and Shefali). Lived most of his life in Stepney Green area of London, UK.
(Pir Saheb) Monfor Uddin (Born ) .
Syed Azhar Mahfuz (c. 1950 - 2 Jul 2017) Prominent businessman.
Kasa Miah's 8 sons (Various) Reputable GP from Ishankhuna. His 8 sons have forged successful careers both in Bangladesh and UK.
Shiraj (Sir) (Born ) .
Shamim (Born ) .
Mollik Sohal (Born ) Lawyer at Judge's Court, Sunamganj.
Fozlu Miah (Born ) Businessman. Born in Poschimpara area. Reside in Baghbari area of Sylhet town.
Ali Hussain (Born ) .
Syed Ahmed Mahfuz (Born ) .
Mashuk Ibn Anish (Born ) .
Syed Idon Ali ( 1 Apr 2015) .
Hasani? I never knew that!
Syedpur was called Krishnopur 200 years ago! It has 3 'khunas': Hari Khuna, Ishan Khuna and Agun Khuna.
Important info, tips, hints, miscell...
- Nearest Post Office is located at:
- 'Bazar days' are Tuesday & Thursday (Syedpur Bazar) and Sunday (Bober Bazar). Most shops open at 11am and close in the evening.
- You can go to Sylhet via either bazars.
- Gym are available in the bazars.
May Allah bless Syedpur and our people. Ameen.